Friday, February 25, 2011

Ordinary Time 8

There is much concern these days about our nation’s economy and even the state of the world’s financial resources. While it is important to plan and prepare so that our loved ones are secure, our celebration today on this 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time reminds us that God is in charge, and God will see to our needs. It is a moment of grace when we trust in our loving God.

We are fast approaching Lent which will be a time to focus our attention on the role God plays in our lives. This role should affect our speech and our actions in a significant way. As we gather for worship let us listen for the words that act as a barometer for our actions.

Next Sunday, March 6, will be the final Sunday before Lent 2011. Materials will be distributed next weekend to help you focus during the season of Lent: Little Black Books for Adults, Little Purple Books for Children, Key Chain Medal for All.

The days leading up to Mardi Gras, Tuesday, March 8, are known as CARNIVAL, a time of celebration! The color of Mardi Gras beads are green (faith), purple (justice), and gold (power). Justice will prevail with the power of faith! May your days of CARNIVAL be filled with enjoyment and fun!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ordinary Time 7

Gospel living calls us to readjust radically how we live. We are not to be satisfied with minimums, not to be stuck in socially accepted ways of responding to others, not to be limited in our loving. We readjust our way of living by paying much more attention to the way Jesus himself lived. The poor, the sick, the downtrodden, the needy, enemies, those who persecute us – indeed our very family members, coworkers, friends – all cry out to us for our love and care. This is how, concretely we respond to Jesus’ command to be “perfect.”

We hear today the command to love your enemy. This is one of the most difficult ones for us to keep. Jesus says we are to follow the Golden Rule, to do to others as you would have them do to you. This is perhaps the greatest challenge for today’s Christian. Our airwaves and newspapers are filled with angry denunciations of any who hold a different opinion from that of any speaker. Let us pray for the grace we need to stem the tide of anger and hatred in the world around us.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Ordinary Time 6

On this day before our secular celebration of romantic love in our society, Valentine’s Day, our liturgy urges us to heed God’s commandments, both old and new. And the root of all these commandments is love – love of God, love of our neighbor. As we journey through this week let us reflect on the ways that we live God’s commandments of love.


For God so lo V ed the world
That He g A ve
His on L y
Begott E n
So N
T hat whoever
Believes I n Him
Should N ot perish
But have E verlasting life

[John 3: 16]

Today is World Marriage Day. We pray that all couples may be examples of commitment, love and service to their families and children. May they be open to the power of the Holy Spirit who empowers them to love in Jesus’ name and to walk in His footsteps.

The First Annual Parish Appreciation Party was a huge success! Many thanks to the committee for a fine job and to all who attended the event!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Ordinary Time 5

Dear friends, the light of Christ shines brightly in today’s scripture readings. At baptism, we were entrusted with a baptismal candle and told to keep the light of Christ bravely burning in our hearts. Today we are told not to hide that light, but to use it to help transform the darkness of this world. Let us pray that the word of God proclaimed this day will strengthen us on our earthly pilgrimage. May our light one day shine in the glorious radiance of the kingdom of heaven.

This Friday is the memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes. On this day in 1858, Mary appeared to a peasant girl, Bernadette Soubirous, on the outskirts of the humble village of Lourdes in the south of France. Bernadette promised to meet the lady there every day for 15 days. On one of these visits, the lady pointed out a hidden spring. The grotto and the spring have since become one of the world’s major places of pilgrimage. Today has become known as World Day of the Sick. Here is a prayer to our Lady of Lourdes:

O Holy Virgin, in the midst of your days of glory, do not forget the sorrows of this earth. Cast a merciful glance upon those who are suffering and struggling against difficulties. Have pity on those who love each other and are separated. Have pity on our rebellious hearts. Have pity on our weak faith. Have pity on those we love. Have pity on those who weep, on those who pray and on those who fear. Grant hope and peace to all. Amen.

On this Super Bowl Sunday, all I can say is: