Saturday, April 28, 2012

Easter 4

The Fourth Sunday of Easter, known as Good Shepherd Sunday, is also a special day of prayer around the world for vocations. The World Day of Prayer for Vocations is first of all a day about the power of many people praying together to realize God’s desires for the world. It is also a day for vocations, bringing to the church’s attention the joys of a life dedicated to prayer and service as priests, deacons, religious sisters, and brothers. The best-kept secret about a religious vocation is that in devotion to God and others, people find deep personal satisfaction. What Saint Teresa of Avila said in the 16th century is still true: “God gave me such great happiness at being in religious life that it never left me up to this day.” Such a choice and commitment is something to consider and encourage.

Tuesday, May 1 is the Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker. With a significant percent of the American population out of work or underemployed, Saint Joseph is swiftly becoming the patron saint of all who seek to enter or return to the workforce. Pray to Joseph the Worker for those who seek, that they may find.

Wednesday, May 2 is the Feast of Saint Athanasius. May we recognize the truth of his advice that “one cannot possibly understand the teaching of the saints unless one has a pure mind and is trying to imitate their life.”

Thursday, May 3 is the Feast of the Apostles Philip and James. The church does not always know much about the early Apostles – sometimes it’s not even clear who is who – but it does remember their faith. Live in such a way that others will know and remember you for the same reason.

Our Responsorial Psalm this week, "The stone rejected by the builders had become the cornerstone," reminds us that Christ is the cornerstone of the Church and the foundation of our lives.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Easter 3

As the fifty days of Easter continue, we join all the earth in crying out with joy to God, who raised Jesus to new life. On this Third Sunday of Easter, we also celebrate Earth Day. Credit for today’s Earth Day holiday goes to Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, who believed this occasion, first observed in 1970, would open the eyes of U.S. politicians to popular support for laws and policies to protect the environment. In his Earth Magna Carta, John McConnell, the founder of the Earth Day movement, put it this way: "All individuals and institutions have a mutual responsibility to act as trustees of Earth, seeking the choices in ecology, economics, and the ethics that will eliminate pollution, poverty, and violence, foster peaceful progress, awaken the wonder of life, and realize the best potential for the future of the human adventure.” In this Easter season of renewed life, how can you help make the adventure of God’s beloved creation better for all?

Wednesday, April 25 is the Feast of Saint Mark the Evangelist (Gospel Writer). While it is unlikely the “Mark” of the Gospel of that name is the same as the “Mark” mentioned in several other places in the New Testament, the latter followed the same path the Gospel describes. He worked with Saint Paul but later “deserted” Paul on one of the apostle’s mission journeys, provoking a sharp disagreement and a parting of the ways. Yet he clearly played the role as a fellow-worker of Paul (Philemon 24). The Gospel of Mark asks believers to follow Jesus’ example of servant love whatever the misunderstanding or conflict it may cost, because Christ will be with you the whole way!

Our Responsorial Psalm this weekend, "Lord, let your face shine on us," reminds us to look to God for both joy and peace in our lives.

Let's Go Pens!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter 2

Happy Easter! Throughout the Easter Season, in place of the Old Testament, we read from the Acts of the Apostles. Authored by Luke, Acts tells the story of the young Church’s extraordinary growth in numbers and its rapid expansion beyond Jerusalem and Israel to Rome, the heart of the Gentile world. This year the second readings are from the First Letter of John, and ancient post-baptismal instruction. Each year on this Second Sunday of Easter, we hear the beloved Gospel story of Doubting Thomas’s encounter with the Risen Jesus. Our hearts overflowing with paschal joy, we acclaim with Thomas, “My Lord and my God!”

I take this opportunity to thank all who shared their time and talent in preparing the Church for Holy Week. The church looked beautiful because of you! I also want to thank the ministers (altar servers, lectors, Ministers of Holy Communion, ushers, choir and cantors), and Eleanor, Barry and Chris for the extra effort!

Our Faith Formation year has come to an end. It was a very good year for the children and formation leaders! I would like to thank the following for sharing their love for God and the Church with our children and youth: John Zombar, Cheryl Helman, Felicity Filicky, Jo Hartzell, Tina, Mary and Monica Burns, Kathie Brown, Amber Raimondo, Marie, Joe, Joseph and Michael Nemetz, Jane Mondock, Jeanie Savisky, Dawn Tedrow, Chris Bair, Marina Peterson. We look forward to another exciting year beginning in the fall of 2012!

A few weeks ago youth from the Sunday Morning Café visited the children from Faith Formation classes (K-6) and shared with them some wonderful activities that were enjoyed by all. An idea came from that event that the youth from our parish could lead, with adults to assist, a summer Vacation Bible School. What a wonderful idea!

Look for a date in the near future to plan a Holy Cross Summer Vacation Bible School! I hope many will volunteer!

This Thursday is Holocaust Remembrance Day. Let us never forget the over 6 million who lost their lives!

Our Responsorial Psalm this week, "Give thanks to the Lord, whose love endures forever," reminds us to be grateful for God’s love and mercy.

Let's Go Pens!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Sunday

On this day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad, for Jesus Christ is truly risen! We who are baptized into his death have been raised with him, and are called to proclaim the Good News that everyone who believes in him will receive forgiveness of sins through his name. Since Christ our Paschal Lamb has been sacrificed, let us feast with joy in the Lord. Let us be faithful witnesses to his resurrection! Happy Easter!

Easter is the Church’s holiest day of the year. After twenty centuries, we still boldly announce to the world: Christ lives! The eight days of Easter begin at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday and continue through the Octave of Easter (Sunday, April 15). Every day is another Easter, to rejoice in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus!

On Saturday, April 14, our parishioner Gerald Andrews will be honored at the Knights of Columbus Testimonial Dinner. This dinner is to honor Ger who has given generously of his time serving as the Pennsylvania State Treasure of the Knights of Columbus over the past 2 years. Ger has performed his duties with integrity and has greatly exceeded the requirements of his office, often placing the Order before his personal life. Congratulations, Ger, on a job well done and may God continue to bless you for your work for the Church!

I take this opportunity to thank all who made Lent a joyful time through your fasting, prayer and almsgiving! I also thank all who shared their time and talent in preparing the “garden” for Holy Thursday and the church
for Easter! A special thank you to Phil and Virginia Ball for sprucing up the church grounds for Easter. God bless you all!

Our Responsorial Psalm this week, "This is the day that the Lord has made, Alleluia!" reminds us that we are Alleluia people and Alleluia is our song. Let us live this message with great joy!