Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

We warmly welcome Rev. William C. McGuirk to Holy
Cross Church as the 12th Pastor. He is very happy to be here
& is looking forward to meeting you.

In today’s gospel we hear that Jesus has begun his journey to
Jerusalem,” and he does so “resolutely.” He is preparing to
meet his fate there. Jesus’ passion does not happen by
accident; he knows what will be the result of his actions and
still he continues on his way. Let us praise and thank God
today for such great love shown to us by Jesus, our Lord and

This Thursday is America’s 237 Birthday! An important day
in America to celebrate liberty from political oppression but
also a reminder of the Christian freedom you enjoy. You can
look at this freedom in two ways: freedom from – being or
feeling forced to do something – and freedom to – ee, judge,
and act on what is holy and good. Christians believe Jesus
had set them free and have the wonderful liberty to choose
him. What has God freed you from? What has God freed

receive the 2013 Parish Youth Ministry Honor on July 13,
2013. She will be among twelve youth who will honored at
the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral. Ninety four youth will also
receive the Youth Ministry Recognition Pin. The recognition
will take place during a 3PM Mass on July 13 at the Cathedral.
A reception will follow the Mass. The Mass does fulfill
your Sunday obligation. CONGRATULATIONS JULIE,

Fr Bill would like to thank ALL for your prayers and support
during this transition. Please continue to pray for all the
priests and people of the Diocese of Greensburg during these
Changing Times.

Fr Bill’s new address: Saint Francis Of Assisi, 101 W.
Church Ave, Masontown PA 15461
email address:

This week’s psalm response, Let all the earth cry out to
God with Joy, reminds us to join in creation’s unending
hymn of praise.

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thoughts from Fr. Bill…….

Dear friends, throughout your journey of life, no doubt, you
have asked yourself: “Just who is this Jesus?” Today the
scriptures help us all to answer that question. And the answer
cannot just remain on the pages of the lectionary. If we embrace
Jesus as our savior, we must heed his words. The
Christian life is by no means easy, but we know that we can
count on each other for support and prayer. Thank you for
your support and prayers these past weeks not only for my
transfer in assignment but also for my mom and dad.

This weekend we celebrate Father’s Day. The celebration
dating back to 1909 became an official holiday in 1966. May
Jesus, guide all Fathers to holiness and happiness watching
over them faithfully as they watch over us. May all deceased
Fathers rest in peace.

Friday is the first day of Summer. Many ancient peoples
made today one of their great feasts. People lit huge bonfires
during these shortest nights of the year to announce the official
change of seasons. Some sort of protection at this time of
the year seemed especially important because spirits were
thought to wander about during festival times. As European
nations became Christian, the solstice traditions became associated
with the birth of John the Baptist (June 24), called
Midsummer Day because it is midway between Spring and
Autumn. Have a relaxing and enjoyable summer!

THANKS to all who attended the Parish Picnic last Sunday in
New Stanton Park. It was a very enjoyable afternoon. A special
thanks to those who assisted in any way to make the picnic
so special.

This week’s psalm response, Lord, forgive the wrong I have
done, reminds us of the forgiveness Jesus offers to those who
confess their sins to him.

Congratulations and God’s Blessing to John Zombar who
received a Certificate in Pastoral Ministry from Seton Hill
University and Diocese of Greensburg.


Fr. Bill

Trying to live a full life in the service of the Lord,
failing frequently and falling on the mercy of God each time….

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thoughts from Fr. Bill…….

Dear friends, take a deep breath. It’s a matter of life and breath,”
ran the former slogan of the American Lung Association, and the
Bible would agree. Scripture often talks about God’s life-giving
Spirit in terms of breath. God “blew into” Adam’s nostrils “the
breath of life, and the man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7).
When Jesus appeared to his disciples, “He breathed on them and
said to them, ‘Receive the holy Spirit’.” (John 20:22). Inspiration
means taking in the breath of life and the presence of God. God is
all around you like the air you breathe, filling you with life and

Thursday June 13 is the Memorial of Saint Anthony of Padua, one
of the beloved saints on the list of Saints. He is best known as the
saint to call upon when seeking a lost object. He could also be
thought of as the patron saint of the unexpected, because illness,
shipwreck and unplanned events took him and his calling in surprising
and unplanned directions. He gave it his all with a heartfelt,
“Thy will be done,” and you can do the same when a higher
call that takes you to unforeseen places upends your best-laid plans.
Anthony teaches you to walk by faith. Take a leap the next time
your faith invites it.

Thanks to all who planned and prepared the wonderful Class of
2013 Graduation Celebration last Sunday. it was truly a beautiful
celebration. God Bless the Class of 2013!!

Friday June 14 is Flag Day. According to the official U. S. Flag
Code, “The flag represents a living country and is itself a living
thing.” It’s not merely a place of cloth but something that embodies
a nation and its ideals of independence, liberty, hope, and unity
of purpose. It also stands for the sacrifices that have been made for
those ideals. While the flag is not a religious symbol, it’s like one
because it represents something greater than itself. The symbols of
faith do the same but express something larger than even love of
country and that is the reality of God. Something to think about
when you fly the flag.

This week’s psalm response, I will praise you Lord, for you have
rescued me, urges us to raise our voice in praise to our Lord who
will always protect us.


Fr. Bill

Trying to live a full life in the service of the Lord,
failing frequently and falling on the mercy of God each time….

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), June 2, 2013

Thoughts from Fr. Bill…….

Dear friends, today we remember in a special way the gift of
the Holy Eucharist, first given to us by Jesus at the Last Supper.
This is a gift that we celebrate weekly, some of us daily
– Christ’s Body and Blood given for our salvation and for our
nourishment. We are so familiar with it that every now and
then we need a reminder of how profound it is.

As I celebrate 11 years as a priest for the Diocese of Greensburg,
I thank God for the gift of the Eucharist which gives me
strength during these very challenging days in the Church. I
also thank you for the gift you are to me. THANKS!

Congratulations to the Class of 2013! We celebrate your
achievement today and ask God to bless you as you begin this
new chapter in your life. Included in the celebration today is
my niece and Goddaughter Maggie, what a joy it is to celebrate
this wonderful week with her!! I love you!

Please plan on attending the Parish Picnic next Sunday!
Come and let’s have a good time! Remember the pie contest!!!!!
I may even turn on the gas to the oven in the rectory
and bake a pie!!

Friday June 7 is the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of
Jesus and Saturday is the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart
of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Jesus’ heart is filled with love,
which is demonstrated by his constant care for us. “What a
joy to remember that Mary is our mother! Since she loves us
and know our weakness, what have we to fear?” St Therese
of Lisieux.

This week’s psalm response, Lord, you are a priest forever,
reminds us that Christ is our high priest and intermediary always
and in all ways.


Fr. Bill

Trying to live a full life in the service of the Lord,
failing frequently and falling on the mercy of God each time….