Monday, June 10, 2013

The Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thoughts from Fr. Bill…….

Dear friends, take a deep breath. It’s a matter of life and breath,”
ran the former slogan of the American Lung Association, and the
Bible would agree. Scripture often talks about God’s life-giving
Spirit in terms of breath. God “blew into” Adam’s nostrils “the
breath of life, and the man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7).
When Jesus appeared to his disciples, “He breathed on them and
said to them, ‘Receive the holy Spirit’.” (John 20:22). Inspiration
means taking in the breath of life and the presence of God. God is
all around you like the air you breathe, filling you with life and

Thursday June 13 is the Memorial of Saint Anthony of Padua, one
of the beloved saints on the list of Saints. He is best known as the
saint to call upon when seeking a lost object. He could also be
thought of as the patron saint of the unexpected, because illness,
shipwreck and unplanned events took him and his calling in surprising
and unplanned directions. He gave it his all with a heartfelt,
“Thy will be done,” and you can do the same when a higher
call that takes you to unforeseen places upends your best-laid plans.
Anthony teaches you to walk by faith. Take a leap the next time
your faith invites it.

Thanks to all who planned and prepared the wonderful Class of
2013 Graduation Celebration last Sunday. it was truly a beautiful
celebration. God Bless the Class of 2013!!

Friday June 14 is Flag Day. According to the official U. S. Flag
Code, “The flag represents a living country and is itself a living
thing.” It’s not merely a place of cloth but something that embodies
a nation and its ideals of independence, liberty, hope, and unity
of purpose. It also stands for the sacrifices that have been made for
those ideals. While the flag is not a religious symbol, it’s like one
because it represents something greater than itself. The symbols of
faith do the same but express something larger than even love of
country and that is the reality of God. Something to think about
when you fly the flag.

This week’s psalm response, I will praise you Lord, for you have
rescued me, urges us to raise our voice in praise to our Lord who
will always protect us.


Fr. Bill

Trying to live a full life in the service of the Lord,
failing frequently and falling on the mercy of God each time….