Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter 2

Happy Easter! Throughout the Easter Season, in place of the Old Testament, we read from the Acts of the Apostles. Authored by Luke, Acts tells the story of the young Church’s extraordinary growth in numbers and its rapid expansion beyond Jerusalem and Israel to Rome, the heart of the Gentile world. This year the second readings are from the First Letter of John, and ancient post-baptismal instruction. Each year on this Second Sunday of Easter, we hear the beloved Gospel story of Doubting Thomas’s encounter with the Risen Jesus. Our hearts overflowing with paschal joy, we acclaim with Thomas, “My Lord and my God!”

I take this opportunity to thank all who shared their time and talent in preparing the Church for Holy Week. The church looked beautiful because of you! I also want to thank the ministers (altar servers, lectors, Ministers of Holy Communion, ushers, choir and cantors), and Eleanor, Barry and Chris for the extra effort!

Our Faith Formation year has come to an end. It was a very good year for the children and formation leaders! I would like to thank the following for sharing their love for God and the Church with our children and youth: John Zombar, Cheryl Helman, Felicity Filicky, Jo Hartzell, Tina, Mary and Monica Burns, Kathie Brown, Amber Raimondo, Marie, Joe, Joseph and Michael Nemetz, Jane Mondock, Jeanie Savisky, Dawn Tedrow, Chris Bair, Marina Peterson. We look forward to another exciting year beginning in the fall of 2012!

A few weeks ago youth from the Sunday Morning Café visited the children from Faith Formation classes (K-6) and shared with them some wonderful activities that were enjoyed by all. An idea came from that event that the youth from our parish could lead, with adults to assist, a summer Vacation Bible School. What a wonderful idea!

Look for a date in the near future to plan a Holy Cross Summer Vacation Bible School! I hope many will volunteer!

This Thursday is Holocaust Remembrance Day. Let us never forget the over 6 million who lost their lives!

Our Responsorial Psalm this week, "Give thanks to the Lord, whose love endures forever," reminds us to be grateful for God’s love and mercy.

Let's Go Pens!