Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Sunday

On this day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad, for Jesus Christ is truly risen! We who are baptized into his death have been raised with him, and are called to proclaim the Good News that everyone who believes in him will receive forgiveness of sins through his name. Since Christ our Paschal Lamb has been sacrificed, let us feast with joy in the Lord. Let us be faithful witnesses to his resurrection! Happy Easter!

Easter is the Church’s holiest day of the year. After twenty centuries, we still boldly announce to the world: Christ lives! The eight days of Easter begin at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday and continue through the Octave of Easter (Sunday, April 15). Every day is another Easter, to rejoice in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus!

On Saturday, April 14, our parishioner Gerald Andrews will be honored at the Knights of Columbus Testimonial Dinner. This dinner is to honor Ger who has given generously of his time serving as the Pennsylvania State Treasure of the Knights of Columbus over the past 2 years. Ger has performed his duties with integrity and has greatly exceeded the requirements of his office, often placing the Order before his personal life. Congratulations, Ger, on a job well done and may God continue to bless you for your work for the Church!

I take this opportunity to thank all who made Lent a joyful time through your fasting, prayer and almsgiving! I also thank all who shared their time and talent in preparing the “garden” for Holy Thursday and the church
for Easter! A special thank you to Phil and Virginia Ball for sprucing up the church grounds for Easter. God bless you all!

Our Responsorial Psalm this week, "This is the day that the Lord has made, Alleluia!" reminds us that we are Alleluia people and Alleluia is our song. Let us live this message with great joy!