Friday, March 30, 2012

Passion (Palm) Sunday

Our Lenten journey of conversion and reconciliation, of renewed faith and deeper charity, has brought us to this beginning of Holy Week, the threshold of the sacred Paschal Triduum of Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection. Although we cannot enter with Jesus into the Jerusalem of two thousand years ago, we can resolve to accompany him here and now as present in his Church, and especially in those who suffer. Jesus continues his journey toward the heavenly Jerusalem through a world that sometimes cries "Hosanna," but often, also, "Crucify!" Let us, then, approach this week with palm branches raised high and hosannas on our lips, opening our hearts to God’s grace and mercy. As faithful disciples in every age, let us be ready to suffer with our Master. Let us gladly carry the cross with him and freely lay down our lives in selfless service. We trust as he did that God’s steadfast love will not abandon us, but will lead us safely to share in Jesus’ risen life.

The Church enters the “difficult days” of Holy Week, when it bears painful witness to the betrayal and crucifixion of Jesus. These days invite you to take an honest look at your own faith. In what ways have you, like Judas, “betrayed” your best self by acting selfishly or thoughtlessly? Have you been dishonest in your dealings with loved ones, friends, or business associates? Have you been careless with your words, to the pain of another? Have you neglected your spirit and failed to make time for prayer and worship? There is still time to repent past wrongs and commit to a new life in the spirit, but the appointed hour draws near – let‘s get moving in the right direction! All are invited to celebrate the Sacred Triduum with us!

A very special "thank you" to an anonymous friend who reupholstered the chairs and the kneelers in the sanctuary, to Jack Ciampini for refinishing the wood on the chairs and kneelers, and to Barry Premoshis for transporting the chairs and kneelers. God bless you for your generosity!

Our Responsorial Psalm this week, "My God, my God, why have you abandoned me," the words that Jesus prayed on the cross, remind us to pray for all those who are experiencing suffering and pain in our world today.