Friday, March 16, 2012

Lent 4

This past Friday was March 16 (3/16), also known as John 3:16 Day! How fitting that the Fourth Sunday of Lent (Year B), we hear the Gospel that includes the verse, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life." In this Gospel Nicodemus came to Jesus at night, in the darkness. He was fearful and his faith was weak. Jesus, the light of the world, invited Nicodemus to come into the light and to believe so that he “might not perish but might have eternal life.” Jesus shared with Nicodemus the great love that God has for the world and called him to live in the truth. As we travel through this Lenten season, we too are invited to live in the light, to deepen our faith, and to open ourselves to God’s only Son, Jesus, sent into the world for our salvation.

Monday, March 19 is the Solemnity of Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. God sees the fruit of our labor, even if others cannot. Think of Joseph, the carpenter who taught Jesus his craft, a man given no lines to say in the New Testament and whose life remains almost completely hidden. His work was of supreme importance, even though others may not have seen this at the time. How similar this is to the many millions of people who do hidden work today: spending long hours working to put their kids through school; taking on an extra job to save money to care for an elderly parent or relative; working to exhaustion, scrubbing floors, doing multiple loads of laundry, and spending hours over a stove for their families. Even if their efforts are hidden from others, they are seen by the One, whose gaze matters most. St. Joseph, pray for us.

As many celebrate St. Patrick’s Day this weekend, here is a special Irish Blessing: May you always have walls for the winds, a roof for the rain, tea beside the fire, laughter to cheer you … those who you love near you and all your heart might desire. St Patrick, pray for us!

I am happy to report that as of Monday of this past week we have met our Diocesan goal for the Diocesan Lenten Appeal! Now we are working at reaching our parish goal! God bless you all for your gifts!

Our Responsorial Psalm this week, "Let my tongue be silenced, if I ever forget you," reminds us to always keep God in our minds and hearts.