Friday, April 8, 2011

Lent 5

On this 5th Sunday of Lent we hear the amazing story of how our Lord raised Lazarus from the dead and instructed those around him to untie him and let him go free. Today’s great miracle is this: the Lord releases you from the bondage of sin and promises resurrection and new life to all who believe. Do you believe God can bring life out of death? Do you believe that Christ is the Resurrection and the life? As our Lenten journey continues let us pray that the Lord will strengthen us to grow in our faith.

Holy Week and Easter are fast approaching. We will celebrate the passion and resurrection of Jesus made real in the Eucharist. As St. Paul reminds us over and over, without faith in the resurrection of Christ faith makes no sense. The Christian writer C.S. Lewis said a similar thing: “The first fact in the history of Christendom is a number of people who say they have seen the resurrection.” Every Sunday and every Mass reminds us how the resurrection, and the stories of Jesus’ life we see through the lens of his resurrection, is the starting point of the Christian faith. So do you believe this?

At the beginning of the season of Lent you received a Lenten Coin Folder. All money collected from the Lenten Coin Folders will be forwarded to the Red Cross who has provided assistance to our neighbors who suffered loss during the recent local tornado disaster. Let us continue to pray for our neighbors that God will give them the strength they need during this period of recovery.

Next Sunday is Palm Sunday. Weather permitting we will begin the Palm Sunday Liturgy in front of the school building. If you are physically able, please gather in front of the school building at 10:00 AM for the blessing of Palms and Procession.