Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ordinary Time 32

A consistent theme of these weeks leading to Advent is akin to the motto of the U.S. Coast Guard: Semper paratus (Always ready.) For what? The military remains ready for terrorist attacks or disasters like a tornado or flood, but Jesus’ call to be ready always is neither a threat nor a prediction of catastrophe. It is his expectation that we be aware of the presence of the sacred as we move through even the most ordinary day. Mary Oliver suggests the same in her poem “The Summer Day”: “I don’t know exactly what a prayer is. I do know how to pay attention.” Being prepared for the coming of Christ means keeping eyes and ears, hearts and minds open. The sacred, the Christ, is all around you.

Friday, November 11 is not only 11/11/11, but more importantly it is Veterans Day. Here is a Prayer for Veterans: Dear Lord, today we honor our veterans, worthy men and women who gave their best when they were called upon to serve and protect our country. We pray that you will bless them, Lord, for their unselfish service in the continual struggle to preserve our freedoms, our safety, and our country’s heritage, for all of us. Bless them abundantly for the hardships they faced, for the sacrifices they made, for their many different contributions to America’s victories over tyranny and oppression. We respect them, we thank them, we honor them, we are proud of them and we pray that you will watch over these special people and bless them with peace and happiness. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Tuesday is Election Day. Remember to vote!

Our Responsorial Psalm this week, "My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God," reminds us that only God can satisfy our deepest longings.

Six rings are great but 7 would be heaven... Go Steelers!