Friday, May 18, 2012

Easter 7

Today is the Seventh Sunday of Easter. The glorious 50 days of the Easter Season are coming to a close. We recall that during the days between Jesus’ Ascension and Pentecost, the disciples, together with Mary, prayerfully awaited the outpouring of the Holy Spirit – the same Spirit who would heal the community’s failures, sustain its continuity, and extend its witness to the ends of the earth. As we prepare for Pentecost, let us in communion with Our Lady, the apostles and all the saints, pray for a fresh outpouring of that same creative, life-giving Spirit.

As we celebrate Pentecost next weekend I invite you to wear red. Why, you ask? Red is the liturgical color of Pentecost and it will show others that we are on Fire with the Holy Spirit! Here is a prayer to the Holy Spirit: Gracious God, your Holy Spirit enabled Jesus’ disciples to preach the Good News among all nations. Grant that the same Holy Spirit will continue to live among us and inspire us to share the Good News in our families and communities. We make this and all our prayers in the Holy Spirit and in Jesus’ name, who is Lord forever and ever. Amen. Come, Holy Spirit, Come!

As you noticed in the bulletin and the web site, we have met our Diocesan goal for the Diocesan Lenten Appeal of $28,519 and we surpassed our parish goal of $65,000. The total pledged to date is $75,820. The final report of the DLA is due to the Diocese in a few weeks. If you have not made a gift you still have time to do so. A special thanks to all who have made a gift to this year's Appeal! God bless you for your generosity to the Diocese of Greensburg and Holy Cross Church! The parking lot project will begin soon!

Our Responsorial Psalm this week, "The Lord has set his throne in Heaven," reminds us that our true home is in heaven, where Christ rules in glory!