Sunday, October 7, 2012

Ordinary Time 27

 Thoughts from Fr. Bill…….

Dear friends, 40 years ago the Catholic bishops in the
United Sates designated October as Respect Life Month
and named the first Sunday of October “Respect Life Sunday.”
Throughout October we are called in a special way
to reflect on the gift of human life, the threats against it and
how we can protect all persons from conception to natural
death. This Thursday October 11, Our Holy Father, Pope
Benedict XVI, will open the Year of Faith. This year commemorates
the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second
Vatican Council and the twentieth anniversary of the
Catechism of the Catholic Church. The year will conclude
on November 24, 2013, on the Solemnity of Christ, King
of the Universe. During this Year of Faith, we are to pray
in a special way that all who seek God may enter the door
of faith and discover the risen Christ alive in our Catholic
community. Let us ask God today to make us convincing
witnesses to the sanctity of human life and to joy of faith in

Two parishes in the Diocese of Greensburg are celebrating
the dedication of new church buildings: Christ the King in
Leechburg and Saint Margaret Mary in Lower Burrell (my
1st assignment.) We offer our congratulations to both!
Last weekend was the Seminarian and Clergy Formation
collection. Our collection here at Holy Cross was:
$969.00. One of the newest seminarians in our Diocese is
a former member of Holy Cross Church: Daniel Carr. Dan
is a student at St. Mark’s Seminary in Erie, PA. Please
pray for Dan and all the Seminarians in our Diocese and
for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, diaconate
and religious life.

This week’s Psalm Response May the Lord bless us all
the days of our lives, reminds us to ask for the very thing
God so wants to do – to bless us!

Here We Go Steelers, Here We Go!

Fr. Bill