Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Fourth Sunday in Lent

Thoughts from Fr. Bill…….

Dear friends, today is Laetare Sunday, a day to rejoice! Are we
rejoicing because we have reached the halfway mark of the Lenten
season? NO! We are called to rejoice in one of the most familiar
Gospel passages in our tradition, the Prodigal Son. The story reminds
us that God is always ready to forgive, always willing to be
reconciled with us. And so, we ask ourselves: How have our
Lenten disciplines opened us up to the wonder of God’s reconciling
love? How are we willing to be likewise reconciled with our loved
ones, our neighbors, and even those who have hurt us? Take advantage
of the Regional Penance Services that begin next Sunday,
March 17 here at Holy Cross at 2pm.

I am happy to report that we have met our Diocesan goal of
$29,791. At the time of this writing of my Thoughts we have received
$32,859 from 109 families. Let us continue to the journey
to meet the parish goal of $65,000. Thanks and God Bless You!

Our parish, and every parish of the Diocese of Greensburg, will
have the opportunity to sign and send postcards to our U.S. Representative
and 2 U.S. Senators to urge our federal elected officials to
support and strengthen existing laws against government funding
and promotion of abortion and to reject attacks on our religious
freedom. You will have to opportunity to sign the postcard this
Sunday at the Pancake breakfast and next weekend after Mass. A
small donation of $1 will help pay for the postage. Thank you for
making your voice heard on these important matters.

Help our Parish and Diocese identify spiritual needs by taking a
short survey. This survey will help parish and diocesan evangelization
and faith formation leaders move forward in developing spiritual,
formational, and educational opportunities. You can either
take the survey on-line at
survey/ or a “hardcopy” will be in the March 14th edition
of the Accent. The survey can be completed anonymously, and
March 31 is the deadline. Thanks for your participation in this
very important endeavor!

This week, our psalm response, Taste and see the goodness of the
Lord, helps us to remember to savor Christ’s presence in our daily


Fr. Bill

Trying to live a full life in the service of the Lord,
failing frequently and falling on the mercy of God each time….