Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lent 3

Happy Lent! Not all journeys take place in the outer world; there are important inner journeys that we need to make. We witness one in the story of the Samaritan woman in today’s gospel. She thought she was only going out to get water. She ended up going on a journey of faith. Lent calls us to journey with this woman and recognize Jesus in his fullness: as one who thirsts for us, who also brings us the life-giving water of baptism, who is a prophet speaking for God, who is the promised Messiah, and most especially, who had come to save us.

This weekend’s second collection will benefit the people of Japan whose lives have been devastated by the Pacific Ocean Natural Disaster. All funds collected will be forwarded through Catholic Relief Services to Caritas Japan (the social service arm of the Church of Japan).

Lord God, Creator of the earth, sea, sky, be present to the people of Japan in their time of need. Receive those who have died into your loving embrace, and grant their families comfort and peace. May those who have lost homes and livelihood feel your love through the help of friends and strangers. Give them courage and hope as they rebuild their communities. We ask this through Christ our Lord.