Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ordinary Time 9

Today marks the final Sunday before the season of Lent begins. Yes, this Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. And so, ready or not here comes Lent! Today’s readings serve as a good lead-in to the season. Moses calls us to take God’s words to heart and to obey the commandments of the Lord. St Paul reminds us that all of us have sinned and need the mercy of God. And Jesus challenges us to go beyond lip service and truly live the words we profess.

We have to admit we are inundated with words; for example, millions of text messages are sent daily, advertising surrounds us, bulletin boards are cluttered with notices. With so many words, there may be a tendency to disregard them. The gospel warns us that we cannot disregard Jesus’ words, for they teach us the manner of living that leads to fullness of life. And so, the sole purpose of Lent is to find a springtime of new life in the God who is “gracious and merciful … slow to anger, rich in kindness, and relenting in punishment.”

Happy Carnival days and Happy Lent!