Monday, July 4, 2011

Ordinary Time 14

Happy birthday, America! July 4th, Independence Day is not a liturgical occasion, but it is a good time to reflect on all the blessings we have in this country. It is a time to consider what we might do for those who are less fortunate. The inscription at the base of the Statue of Liberty proclaims, “Give me your tired, your poor.” The call to care for refugees and those who suffer poverty and injustice is not a political agenda but a gospel imperative. July 4th is much more than a day for fireworks; it’s a day to remember that “to those to whom much has been given, much will be expected.”

A Blessing for the Fourth of July

While the red flame of sunset warms each of you and snow white clouds point to heaven’s door, may you be wrapped in Mary’s mantle blue that your land be free forever more. May God grant you long years of life and liberty to serve each other’s need. May happiness chase all foolish strife. May you seek his peace in each word and deed. Amen.

A special word of gratitude to all who attended the Holy Cross Family Picnic last Sunday. And a special word of thanks to all who volunteered! A good time was had by all!

In the Gospel this weekend uses the words, “Learn from me.” Each week the sacred word of God is shared in this holy place as a means of instruction. Each week in the bulletin is a section called "The Inner Word," questions and reflections for your personal use based on the readings. I hope you take time out each week to reflect on the Word of God and its impact on your life.

The interior church renovation is coming along. Thank you for your patience! I’m sure you will be pleased with the finished product!

Enjoy a safe Independence Day weekend!