Friday, July 8, 2011

Ordinary Time 15

I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Independence Day holiday weekend! As the summer moves along, I look forward to attending the Pirate game on July 19. The response was great and we sold all the tickets! I also am looking forward to traveling with the youth to Sandcastle Water Park for some "fun in the sun" on July 25. The trip is free for all altar servers and chaperones and $20 for youth and guests. I also look forward to the Youngwood Fireman’s carnival this week. Let us show our support to this courageous group by supporting the carnival!

Beginning this weekend in the bulletin we will list the names of those on the parish prayer list. We will include their names in the bulletin once a month. If you have a name to place on the list please call Helen Brown (724-925-9226) or Mary Lou Allemeier (724-925-2427). This ministry is part of the Holy Cross Ministry of Care. Soon we will introduce some new ideas for this ministry and we hope you will answer the call to serve in this very important ministry in our parish.

Monday is the memorial of St. Benedict. He emphasized moderation, humility, obedience, prayer and manual labor as the way to holiness. Let us pray for the Benedictines from St. Vincent Archabbey in nearby Latrobe who have faithfully served Holy Cross and the former St. Gilbert in Hunker for many years.

Thursday is the memorial of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha. She had a strong devotion to the Eucharist and a deep concern for others. She died in 1680, and was the first native American to be beatified (blessed). She is called the “Lily of the Mohawks” and is patroness of ecology and the environment. May we follow her example of courageous dedication to faith.

Saturday is the Memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us!