Friday, August 19, 2011

Ordinary Time 21

Certain questions change lives, depending on our answer: “Do you take this person to be your husband/wife?” ... “Do you want this job?” ... “Can you forgive me?” The question Jesus asks today, “Who do you say that I am?”, is one that certainly changes lives. Our response is not simply an academic exercise, a matter of knowing the right answer we learned from a book. Our answer must lead to a commitment that is to be lived out each day of our lives. His question asks for a response of mind, heart and spirit. It may well be the most important question in our lives.

The Ministry of Care will meet on Monday, August 22 at 6:30 PM in the Church Hall. All current members of this ministry and anyone who has an interest in joining this ministry is invited to attend. The Ministry of Care is involved in a wide variety of issues: visiting homebound and nursing home residents, welcoming new members to our parish, All Souls Day Liturgy, Christmas Angel Tree Project, etc. If you have in interest in joining the Ministry of Care, please attend the meeting this coming Monday.

Back-to-school shopping is in full gear as classes will begin next week. So, we will extend a Back-To-School Blessing upon all who are returning to school next weekend.

Next weekend we will celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick following the 8:00 AM Mass.

This Tuesday is the memorial of Saint Rose of Lima. St. Rose Parish in Derry Township is my home parish. Born to Spanish immigrants in Lima, Peru, while still young Rose began a rigorous life of prayer and penance, subjecting her body to austerities as well as deprivation of food and sleep. She joined the Third Order of St. Dominic and lived in a hut in her parents garden, working to help support them and helping the poor and the sick in a makeshift infirmary. While ill for the last three years of her life, she was cared for in the house of a government official and his wife. She was the first canonized saint for the “New World” (1671). Like her, let us pray, “Lord, increase your love in my heart.”