Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ordinary Time 29

Sometimes when we hear the words of today’s Gospel about repaying Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God we get caught up in the an accounting problem and lose sight of the fact that everything belongs to God. Let us remember that even when we think we have earned everything we have, it is still a gift – given to us by our loving God. How can we repay that?

All clergy from the Diocese of Greensburg will be attending our annual convocation this week, Monday through Wednesday, at Chestnut Ridge in Blairsville, PA. Please keep all of us in your prayers and we promise to pray for all of you!

Tuesday is the Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist. Luke’s gospel tells the story of Jesus sending out disciples ahead of him. The disciples are to take nothing with them, except peace. Their job: to prepare the way for Jesus. When most people go on a long trip, however, they usually pack a suitcase full of stuff. Luke’s story reminds us of the importance of our “spiritual suitcase.” That’s the piece of luggage that goes with us wherever you go. The contents – peace, respect, care for others – not only prepare us for what’s ahead in life, they also manifest the values of Jesus in a world greatly in need of them. What do you carry in your spiritual suitcase?

The words we proclaim at Mass may be changing, but our faith will remain constant. Million of Catholics will celebrate the liturgy with deeper understanding and renewed vigor. Thousands of churches will echo with the sound of voices united in joyful songs of praise. Hundreds of families will gather with eager hearts, yearning to rediscover their faith. You are invited to a special presentation of the Third Roman Missal, which will be implemented on the First Sunday of Advent (November 27, 2011), on Saturday, November 5 at 9:00 AM in the church.

Our Responsorial Psalm this week, "Give the Lord glory and honor," reminds us that we have been created to praise God on earth and in heaven.

Six rings are great but 7 would be heaven... Go Steelers!