Wednesday, November 28, 2012

First Sunday of Advent

Thoughts from Fr. Bill…….

Dear friends, as we begin the liturgical year with Advent, we are
once again reminded of the joyful expectation to which we are called
as members of Christ’s Body, the Church. Celebrating Advent well
helps us to understand and celebrate Christmas Time more profoundly.
During Advent we are reminded of the coming of Christ not
only at Christmas, but of his Second Coming in Glory at the end of
time. This is a time of grace, a time for a new advent of Christ into
our lives.

Also, this First Sunday marks the start of our second year using the
new Roman Missal (the new responses at Mass). You should all give
yourselves a pat on the back and a round of applause, you are responding
very well!!!

You will notice the Advent wreath this weekend. Its circular shape
and greenery symbolize eternity and everlasting life. The candles
celebrate Jesus, the Light of the World. Violet is the liturgical color
of preparation, reminding us to turn our hearts to God, and the rosecolored
candle exhorts us to rejoice, for we are assured of our Lord’s

Thursday, December 6 is the Memorial of Saint Nicholas. Famous
for his pastoral care, the many legendary stories of his charitable
deeds became the basis for the figure of Santa Claus. He is one of the
most popular saints in both the Roman and Orthodox Churches. May
we imitate his love of children, his care for the poor and his spirit of

Saturday, December 8 is the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, a Holy Day of Obligation. What a wonderful time of
the year to remember our Blessed Mother in this way! Here we are,
starting out on our annual journey of expectation of the Lord’s coming,
and we are reminded that Mary was part of the plan from the
beginning. Because of her YES, that which we await has already
come. Let us give thanks for God’s wonderful gift to us, and through
her the great gift of salvation.

As Advent begins, our psalm response, To you, O Lord, I lift my
soul, invites us to lift our minds, hearts and whole being to the One
who loves us enough to send Jesus to be our Savior.

Here We Go Steelers Here We Go!

Fr. Bill

Trying to live a full life in the service of the Lord,
failing frequently and falling on the mercy of God each time….