Sunday, December 9, 2012

Second Sunday of Advent

Thoughts from Fr. Bill…….

Dear friends, on this Second Sunday of Advent we begin to shift
our focus from Christ’s coming at the end of time to Jesus’ coming
in history. But we who live in the present day should know
the coming of the Lord in our own lives, and eagerly anticipate his
presence. As we deepen our Advent celebration today, let us become
more aware of all the ways that the Lord can come among
us, and prepare for his coming by our repentance and prayer.

A special Thank You to those who made cookies for the reception
following the Tree of Hope last Saturday and to the ladies who
assisted at the reception.

This Wednesday December 12 is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
It was on December 9, 1531, the Indian peasant Juan Diego
saw a young Aztec woman surrounded by light on the slopes of
the hill of Tepeyac near Mexico City. The young woman asked
for a church to be built there in her honor, and from her words
Diego recognized her as the Virgin Mary. Mary had impressed
her glorious image on the front of Diego’s tilma. Today Diego’s
tilma, is on display in Mexico City’s Basilica or Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Mary revealed herself as a mother for us all, encouraging
an end to strife and cruelty, promising peace and maternal love,
and joining people of all races as her beloved children. O gracious
and loving Mary, Lady of Guadalupe, through your presence
make us aware of your son Jesus. May he bless us with
peace and harmony, draw us together and help us build his
church on earth today. Amen

With joy and thanksgiving to God, the Diocese of Greensburg announces
that Bishop Lawrence E. Brandt has called Mr. Tyler J.
Bandura, Mr. Matthew J. Morelli and Mr. Daniel J. Ulishney to
the order of diaconate. The diaconate ordination will be celebrated
on Tuesday December 18, 2012 at 6:00 PM at Blessed Sacrament
Cathedral in Greensburg. Please keep Tyler, Matthew and
Daniel in your prayers as they make the commitment to enter into
holy orders and as they continue their journey to the priesthood on
June 1, 2013. Also, continue to pray for all people discerning
God’s call in their lives.

This week’s Psalm Response, The Lord has done great things
for us; we are filled with joy, points to the joy that is ours when
Christ comes to us and transforms our lives.

Here we go Steelers here we go!

Fr. Bill

Trying to live a full life in the service of the Lord,
failing frequently and falling on the mercy of God each time….