Sunday, January 20, 2013

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thoughts from Fr. Bill…….

Dear friends, welcome back to Ordinary Time and it seems rather
odd that the very first thing we hear is another epiphany – another
manifestation of the Lord – this time at a wedding feast at Cana.
The story of Cana helps us make the transition from Christmastime
by pointing us toward Jesus’ paschal mystery. Jesus’ “hour” is his
passion. He addresses his mother as “Woman,” as from the cross,
“Woman, behold your son” – the new Eve, mother of those redeemed
by his passion. Isaiah’s vision of God’s marriage with humanity
fulfilled in Jesus’ person and ministry. Thus, Cana’s wine is
not the bitter wine of God’s wrath, or bad wine from the sour grapes
Israel’s prophets lamented. Rather, Cana’s wine is the good wine
served last, in these last days, the kingdom’s days, between Christ’s
first coming and glorious return.

Monday January 21st is the Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We pray
that all racism, bigotry and prejudice will be banished from the
earth. And as we continue the week of Prayer for Christian Unity
(January 18-25) let us pray that the unity of believers which graced
the early Church will transform the faith and charity of all Christians

Because of the Inauguration of the President on Monday, the March
for Life will be on Friday January 25 in Washington DC. It was on
January 22, 1973, the United Sates Supreme Court handed down a
decision known as Roe versus Wade, which made abortion legal
throughout the United Sates, and struck down many states’ laws restricting
abortion. This Tuesday, January 22, is observed as a day of
penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed
through acts of abortion, and for the full restoration of the legal
guarantee to the right to life. Let us pray for the hundreds of thousands
who will participate the March for Life on Friday, January 25.

Please join me in the Church Hall on Monday the 21st at 7PM to
plan this year’s Parish Appreciation tail Gate Party

This weeks Psalm Response, Proclaim God’s marvelous deeds to
all the nations, reminds us that God’s great deeds are always worthy
of our praise!


Fr. Bill

Trying to live a full life in the service of the Lord,
failing frequently and falling on the mercy of God each time….