Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Epiphany of the Lord

 Thoughts from Fr. Bill…….

Dear friends, we continue our Christmas season celebration today,
and our attention turns from Bethlehem to the world. Many traditions
surrounding the magi underscore the idea that Jesus was born
not to save just a few in Israel, not just many in the Middle East, but
everyone on earth. The world, is so vast, however, and people are
so varied that many must work together to spread the Good News of
Jesus Christ. Let us pray for the wisdom and courage that we need
to help evangelize the world.

Epiphany is the day we celebrate the 3 Kings bringing gifts to the
new born King. I take this opportunity to Thank so many of you for
making Christmas 2012 a wonderful experience here at Holy Cross.
I thank so many of you who volunteered your time to decorate the
church for Christmas, the church looks beautiful! I thank so many
of you who made a contribution to the Tree of Hope. I thank you for
your Christmas gift to Holy Cross church! I thank so many of you
who showered me with gifts this Christmas. Your generosity is
overwhelming!! May we all continue to share our Time, Talent and
Treasure with Holy Cross Church in 2013!!

Today is a good day to bless your home for the New Year. Take a
piece of chalk and write 20 + C + M + B + 13. The numerals consecrate
the new year, the initials remind us of the legendary name of
the Magi – Caspar, Melchoir, and Balthasar – and also stand for the
Latin motto Christus mansionem benedicat (“May Christ bless the

Next Sunday the Christmas season ends with the celebration of the
Baptism of the Lord. I hope you found Jesus, Emmanuel, God with
us, in the kindness of a stranger, the love of family and in the joy of
friends throughout this holy season! And believe it or not, Lent begins
on February 13. Are you ready to grow closer to God, join us
this Lent in Living the Eucharist. Details will be forthcoming.

On February 3 we will celebrate our 3rd parish Appreciation Party
and award the 3rd Father Straub Service Award. Please use the
nomination form in today’s bulletin to nominate someone who has
shared their Time, Talent and /or Treasure with Holy Cross Church.
Past winners were: Barry Premoshis and Eleanor Hamrock.

As we pray this week’s psalm response, Lord, every nation on
earth will adore you, what images fill your heart? Ponder them
throughout the day – they are a gift form God!

Fr. Bill

Trying to live a full life in the service of the Lord,
failing frequently and falling on the mercy of God each time….