Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thoughts from Fr. Bill…….

Dear friends, HERE COMES LENT! It may be heard to believe,
but Lent starts this week. It is early this year, since Easter falls on
March 31. The reading’s today provide useful material for Lent. In
the first reading, Isaiah calls himself “a man of unclean lips living
among a people of unclean lips.” St. Paul calls himself the least of
the apostles and not fit to be called an apostle. In a similar fashion,
Saint Peter tells the Lord to depart from him, because he is “a sinful
man.” As we feast these last days before Lent let us pray that as we
taste the fullness of what we have today, we will experience a hunger
of God’s love. Have a blessed Lent!

A special THANKS to the few and mighty who prepared our 3rd
Annual Parish Appreciation Tailgate party last Sunday. We had a
very nice crowd who enjoyed food and fellowship. God bless ALL
who share their Time, Talent and Treasure with Holy Cross Church!
Monday February 11 is the Feast of our Lady of Lourdes, and two
things come to mind: First, millions of Catholics organize and make
the pilgrimage to the southwest region of France to visit the sanctuary
where many believe that the spring water from the grotto can
heal those who touch and drink it. Second is the 1943 Hollywood
motion picture The Song of Bernadette, which captures Saint Bernadette’s
humble visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1858. In 1992
Pope John Paul II instituted the World Day of the Sick to coincide
with this feast day. Pray for or help the sick today with the hope and
resilience of Saint Bernadette.

Happy Chinese New Year, 4711

This Thursday is Saint Valentine’s Day which is also my beloved
Mother’s 89th Birthday. Happy Birthday MOM ….while St.
Valentine’s Day provides revenue for card shops, jewelers and florists,
it’s intended to celebrate the Christian values of thoughtfulness
and tender care. And it enlivens a long winter!

Our Psalm Response this week: In the sight of the angels, I will
sing your praises, O Lord, helps us to remember that we are meant
to live with God in the joy of heaven.


Fr. Bill

Trying to live a full life in the service of the Lord,
failing frequently and falling on the mercy of God each time….