Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Second Sunday in Lent

Thoughts from Fr. Bill…….

Dear friends, we celebrate the Transfiguration twice a year:
August 6 and the Second Sunday of Lent. It is at the Transfiguration
that the voice of God is heard, saying of Jesus,
“This is my chosen Son; listen to him. As we continue on our
way through this season of Lent, our attention should be drawn
more and more to the voice of Jesus. What is he saying to
you? What are you doing to listen to him? Let us pray for a
heart more open to hearing what Jesus has to say to each of us.

I mistakenly wrote in last week’s bulletin that Pope Benedict
would resign on Thursday. As he prepares to resign this
Thursday we offer this prayer: God, our Loving Father, we ask
Your blessing on Pope Benedict XVI upon the occasion of his
resignation. Thank You for his years of dedicated leadership
in which he faithfully administered the mysteries of Your forgiveness
and love. Thank You, too, for the outstanding pastoral
care he has so lovingly offered us as our Holy Father.
May your Holy Spirit continue to guide him as he now walks a
new path. Gracious God, bless the future of Your Holy
Church as it now moves forward to choose a new Pope, a new
spiritual leader for Your Catholic people. We pray for the
Cardinals as they gather for their conclave to select the new
successor to Saint Peter. With the inspiration of the Holy
Spirit, may they choose a worthy steward of Your faith to meet
the challenges of today’s world. We ask all these things in Jesus’
name. Amen.

This past week you should have received the DLA letter from
me. As stated last weekend in my homily before we begin
work on the church bells or rectory window replacement, we
will be completing security projects here at the Church. That
work began this past week. I ask you to please return your
DLA pledge/gift as soon as possible. Thank you for your extreme

As we pray this week’s Psalm Response, The Lord is my
light and my salvation, let us remember to look to the Lord
for light and hope.


Fr. Bill

Trying to live a full life in the service of the Lord,
failing frequently and falling on the mercy of God each time….