Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Thoughts from Fr. Bill…….

Dear friends, HAPPY EASTER! May the faith and hope given on
that first Easter morning strengthen, uplift and inspire our daily
lives that we may truly live the meaning of Resurrection!

A study by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found that
79 percent of Americans believe in miracles. This belief spans generations;
young people are just as likely to believe in miracles as
older Americans. How hard would it have been for the disciples to
believe in the resurrection of Jesus? They saw his miraculous powers
firsthand. But Saint John tells us that the disciples did not yet
understand that Jesus had to rise from the dead. The news from
Mary Magdalene came as a shock. The empty tomb was soon confirmed
by Peter and the other disciple. The resurrection is a mystery
we must grasp personally. Without Easter faith, we would not
be with the community today proclaiming, “ALLELUIA!”
A special THANKS to those who participated in the many Lenten
activities. I hope your Lenten journey was a life fulfilling experience.
Special THANKS to all who helped build the garden for
Holy Thursday and decorate the church for Easter, GOD BLESS

Congratulations to those who celebrated the Sacraments of Initiation
at the Easter Vigil: Nyla and Geone Barlow, Crystal and
Sebastian Colinear, Christianna and Christopher Deaner, Abigail
and Zachary Farlow, Enrico and Helen Mucci and Janine Peterson.
God Bless You!

Monday we begin the month of April. The word April means “to
open.” This is the time of year that leaf and flower buds open, a
time of transformation. The day is now longer than the night. Even
if the nights are still chilly, the daytime sun is strong and growing
stronger. The earth itself seems to take part in the Passover of the
Lord. Think Spring and Let’s Go Bucs

“We are Easter People and Alleluia is our song” (St. Augustine).
Let us pray and live this week’s psalm response, This is the day
that the Lord has made, Alleluia! With great joy!

Fr. Bill


Trying to live a full life in the service of the Lord,
failing frequently and falling on the mercy of God each time….