Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Second Sunday of Easter

Thoughts from Fr. Bill…….

Dear friends, HAPPY EASTER! Our Easter celebration continues
today and for the six more weeks as we unpack the
meaning of Jesus Christ’s resurrection in our lives today.
Thomas had to see to believe. What do you believe about the
Resurrection? We are to believe that God is here! “Do not
be afraid” is a common opening line when the divine makes
an appearance in scripture. From that face we can infer that
the humans who come face to face with glory are usually
scared half to death! However, God’s visitations are not intended
to cause fear. Rather they reveal an important truth:
that God is, was, and always will be with us. Bolstered by
that knowledge, we may accept whatever hard task presents
itself with courage and the joy of knowing we are not alone.

Monday April 8 is the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the
Lord, and Mary has a messenger for you! Mary’s response to
the startling news announced by God’s messenger Gabriel is
a very human one – a mix of awe and shock. It’s a safe bet
that that was not the outcome she imagined for herself as she
grew up and became engaged to Joseph. Yet, despite what
surely was fear and apprehension, Mary chose to say “yes” to
God’s invitation. Mary can be your inspiration for also participating
in God’s work in the world even when fear holds
you back and doubt threatens to paralyze you. Just as Gabriel
came to Mary, Mary comes to you with the message that with
a simple “thou will be done”. You, too, can bring healing,
hope and peace into the world.

On May 5 our Parish will celebrate First Holy Communion
with 29 of our young people. Please keep them in prayer during
this final month of preparation. You can find a list of
their names on the message boards in church.
This week’s psalm response, Give thanks to the Lord,
whose love endures forever, reminds us to be grateful for
God’s love and mercy.


Fr. Bill

Trying to live a full life in the service of the Lord,
failing frequently and falling on the mercy of God each time….