Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Thoughts from Fr. Bill…….

Dear friends, it’s hard to believe that we are celebrating the
5th Sunday of Easter and this is the final weekend in the
month of April. It is also hard to live by Jesus’ new commandment:
LOVE ONE ANOTHER. In a world that seems
to be marked more and more by intolerance and suspicion,
following this command can seem to be extraordinarily difficult.
Let us continue to pray to our loving God to inspire our
hearts with a deep abiding love for everyone in the world.

Today marks the end of our Faith Formation year 2012-2013.
I would like to thank the following for volunteering their time
to form our children in the Faith: Jo Hartzell (K), Tina, Mary
and Michelle Burns (1), Jane, Connor and Michael Mondock
(2), Marie, Joe, Joseph and Michael Nemetz (3), Kathie
Brown and Amber Raimondo (4), Jeannie Savisky (5), Sylvia
Madill (6), Jennifer Selesky and Dawn Tedrow (7-12),
McGee Wills, Terri Bailey, Karen/Tim Iverson (Sunday
Morning Children’s Liturgy of the Word) and the Coordinator
of Faith Formation, John Zombar. Thank You All, for a Job
Well Done!!

The month of May begins on Wednesday the feast of Saint
Joseph the Worker. That day is also my parents, Jim and
Margaret Berkey, 65th Wedding Anniversary. Unfortunately
they are not able to attend Mass here at Holy Cross, so I ask
you to join with me in praying for them and all who are celebrating
Wedding Anniversaries at this time of the year.
Friday is the Feast of Saints Philip and James, Apostles. It is
on this day that all priests from the Diocese of Greensburg
have a mandatory meeting with Bishop Brandt. Please pray
for us!

The First Growing in Your Catholic Faith session this past
Monday went well. There were 17 of us who discussed the
Papal Document, Peace on Earth. Please make plans to
attend the May session, The Four Faces of Jesus, on Monday,
May 20. Live in Love, Grow in Faith!

This week’s psalm response, I will praise your name forever,
my King and my God, reminds us to take time each
day to praise the Lord!


Fr. Bill

Trying to live a full life in the service of the Lord,
failing frequently and falling on the mercy of God each time….